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Zillmer et. al, 2015

Verfasser: Sabine Zillmer, Christian Lüer, Maria Toptsidou (Spatial Foresight) and Marcin Krzymuski (EGTC – Centre of Excellence, European University Viadrina) ; Erich Dallhammer, Max Kintisch and Bernd Schuh (ÖIR) ; Pietro Celotti, Alice Colin, Arta Preku and Nicola Brignani (t33) ; Bas Waterhout, Wil Zonneveld and Dominic Stead (Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands)

Titel: European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation as an Instrument for Promotion and Improvement of Territorial Cooperation in Europe

Jahr: 2015

Print ISBN: 978-92-823-7587-7
doi: 10.2861/004951 QA-01-15-467-EN-C

PDF ISBN: 978-92-823-7588-4
doi: 10.2861/317929 QA-01-15-467-EN-N

Sprache: Englisch

auf der Seite des Europäischen Parlaments

Zusammenfassung: This study provides a critical analysis of EGTCs in light of their potential to improve territorial cooperation in Europe. On the basis of a literature review and case studies, the study offers insights into previous achievements of EGTCs, obstacles of their foundation and functioning as well as on their future perspectives. Recommendations have been derived to contribute to the opinion-forming process of the European Parliament about general lessons, future potentials and possibilities for further improving the instrument.

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