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ich war hier: PerkowskiZon2017

Perkowski, Zoń 2017


Verfasser: Perkowski, Maciej, Zoń, Wojciech
Titel: Uwarunkowania powstania i rozwoju Mechanizmu Europejskiego Ugrupowania Współpracy Terytorialnej (EUWT) na północno-wschodnim pograniczu Polski
Zeitschrift: Optimum. Studia Ekonomiczne
Jahrgang: 2017
Heft: 1 (85)
Seiten: 117-129
Zugänglichkeit: Volltext
DOI: 10.15290/ose.2017.01.85.09

For almost a decade, the European Union has provided and promoted a new form of crossborder cooperation – the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC). The number of such groupings has currently exceeded 60, and is still growing. In Poland, four EGTCs are already operational, and several more are to be established. Among the latter, the recent initiative to launch an EGTC in the Polish-Lithuanian borderland is particularly interesting, implying the possibility of coopting partners from the neighbouring third countries (especially from the area of Grodno). The new EGTCs have excellent prospects but also many obstacles to overcome. The outlook seems, however, optimistic, especially providing a rational use of the potential, knowledge and experience of the partners.

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