EVTZ-relevante Literatur: Englisch
Zur Kategorie CategoryEVTZLiteraturEnglisch gehören 103 Artikel:
Adamczuk2013 [Adamczuk, 2013] |
BaloghPete2018 [Balogh/Pete, 2018] |
Beck2012 [Beck, 2012] |
Beck2013 [Beck, 2013] |
Beck2015 [Beck, 2015] |
Beck2018 [Beck, 2018] |
Berzi2013 [Berzi, CROSS-BORDER COOPERATION ..., 2013] |
Berzi2017a [Berzi, CROSS-BORDER COOPERATION ..., 2017] |
Berzi2017b [Berzi, CROSS-BORDER COOPERATION ..., 2017] |
Biot2012 [Biot, The European grouping for territorial cooperation (EGTC)..., 2012] |
Biot2013a [Biot, The European Grouping for Territorial Cooperation (EGTC)..., 2013] |
Brehm2012 [Brehm, 2012] |
Caesar2012 [Caesar, European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation (EGTCs)..., 2012] |
Caesar2017 [Caesar, European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation... 2017] |
CategoryEVTZLiteratur [Kategorie: Literaturdatenbank zum EVTZ] |
CavalloDianin2019 [Cavallaro/Dianin 2019] |
CESCIBalkans2017 [CESCI Balkans, SERBIA’S PARTICIPATION... 2017] |
CESCILegalAccessibility2016 [CESCI, Legal accessibility, 2016] |
Coen2010 [Coen, disP 2010] |
CojanuRobu2014 [Cojanu/Robu, 2014] |
Commission2016 [European Commission, Patients’ Rights ..., 2016] |
Commission2016a [European Commission, Patients’ Rights ..., 2016] |
Cresatti2010 [Cressati/Pascolini/Spizzo, disP 2010] |
Cucu2011 [Cucu, Enhancing the performance..., 2011] |
DecovilleDurandFeltgen2015 [Decoville/Durand/Feltgen, 2015] |
DeSousa2013 [De Sousa, 2013] |
Dizdarevic2011 [Dizdarevic, European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation (EGTCs)..., 2011] |
DührNadin2007 [Lit.: Dühr/Nadin, Planning, Practice & Research, 2007] |
DuindamWaddington2012 [Duindam/Waddington, European Journal of Law and Economics, 2012] |
Dura2018 [Dura 2018] |
Engl2007 [Engl, 2007] |
Engl2016 [Engl, Bridging borders..., 2016] |
EnglEvrard2019 [Engl/Evrard, 2019] |
Engstroem2011 [Engström/Nergelius/Persson/Tallberg, European Grouping of Territorial Coope] |
Evrard2016 [Evrard, The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC)..., 2016] |
Evrard2017 [Evrard, Encapsulating the significance of the EGTC..., 2017] |
EvrardEngl2018 [Evrard/Engl, The EGTC..., 2018] |
FabbroHaselsberger2009 [Lit.: Fabbro/Haselsberger, European Planning Studies, 2009] |
Footman2014 [Footman/Knai/Baeten/Glonti/McKee, Cross-border health care..., 2014] |
GaspariniEtAl2011 [Gasparini/Del Bianco, 2013] |
GlinosWismar2013 [Glinos/Wismar, Hospitals and Borders..., 2013] |
GOEFP2018 [GOE FP, Study on Cross-Border Cooperation..., 2018] |
Gola2011 [Lit.: Gola, 2011] |
Gonzalez2013 [González, CROSS-BORDER COOPERATION IN CERDANYA..., 2013] |
Gyelnik2016 [Gyelnik, Cross-border Health Care Cooperation..., 2016] |
JaansooGroenendijk2014 [Jaansoo/Groenendijk, 2014] |
JacobSuchet2013 [Jacob/Suchet, 2013] |
Janczak2016 [Janczak, Przegląd Politologiczny 2016] |
Janssen2007a [Lit.: Janssen, Environmental Protection needs good Administration..., 2007] |
Janssen2009 [Lit.: Janssen, German Annual of Spatial Research and Policy, 2009] |
Kortese2018 [Kortese 2018] |
Ladysz2011b [Ładysz, EGTC as a tool of cross-border cooperation management..., 2011] |
Lange2012 [Lange, European Grouping of Territorial Co-operation..., 2012] |
MalatinecKyjovsky2019 [Malatinec/Kyjovský, 2019] |
Małkowska2016 [Małkowska, The Barriers to and Directions of... 2018] |
Martinez2014 [Martinez, 2014] |
Martinez2014b [Martinez, 2014] |
Medeiros2014 [Medeiros, 2014] |
Medeiros2015 [Medeiros, Territorial Impact Asessment..., 2015] |
Medeiros2018 [Medeiros, European Territorial Cooperation..., 2018] |
Medeiros2018a [Medeiros, Should EU cross-border ..., 2018] |
Medeiros2019 [Medeiros, 2019] |
Metis2009 [Metis GmbH, The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC)..., 200] |
Nadalutti2013 [Lit.: Nadalutti, Journal of Common Market Studies, 2013] |
Niesten2019 [Niesten, ECBM ... 2019] |
Oszter2019 [Oszter, 2019] |
Persson2013 [Lit.: Persson, Administrative law cooperation tools..., 2013] |
PopoviciuToca2011 [Popoviciu/Toca, Romanian-Hungarian Cross-Border Cooperation..., 2011] |
Proto2008 [Lit.: Proto, Survey on Euroregions and EGTC..., 2008] |
Pucher2015 [Pucher, 2015] |
Pucher2016 [Pucher, 2016] |
PucherHamza2016 [Pucher/Hamza, 2016] |
PucherRadzyner2014 [Pucher/Radzyner, 2014] |
Răducanu2013 [Răducanu, EUROPE OF OR WITH REGIONS..., 2013] |
Repullo2014 [Repullo, 2014] |
Ricci2011 [Lit.: Ricci, The Committee of the Regions and the Challenge of European Gov] |
Roura2013 [Lit.: Roura, The Role of Autonomous Communities..., 2013] |
Saalbach2016 [Saalbach, European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation, 2016] |
Sanguin2013 [Sanguin, 2013] |
SanjuanGil2013 [Sanjuán/Gil, One hospital for the border region..., 2013] |
Sararu2014 [Săraru, Romanian-Hungarian Cross-Border Cooperation..., 2011] |
Sielker2018 [Sielker, 2018] |
Soos2012 [Soós, EGTC Setup..., 2012] |
Soos2013 [Soós, Contribution of EGTCs..., 2013] |
SpinaciVaraArribas2009 [Spinaci/Vara-Arribas, EIPAScope 2009] |
Studzieniecki2016 [Studzieniecki, The determinants of EGTC development in Poland, 2016] |
StudzienieckiMazurek2018 [Studzieniecki/Mazurek, 2018] |
Svensson2015 [Svensson, Cross-border connectivity..., 2015] |
Svensson2016 [Svensson, Territory, Politics, Governance 2016] |
Svensson2017 [Svensson, Health policy..., 2017] |
Tanaka2017 [Tanaka, Cross-border Health Care Cooperation..., 2016] |
TelleSvensson2019 [Telle/Svensson, 2019] |
Toca2013 [Toca, Romanian-Hungarian cross-border cooperation..., 2013] |
Trifiletti2012 [Lit.: Trifiletti, Study of EGTC...] |
Ulrich2012 [Ulrich, 2012] |
Ulrich2016a [Ulrich, 2016] |
Ulrich2016b [Ulrich, Participatory governance..., 2016] |
Ulrich2019 [Ulrich, 2019] |
Zillmer2015a [Zillmer et. al, 2015] |
Zillmer2018 [Zillmer et al., EGTC. Good Practice Booklet, 2018] |
ZillmerToptsidou2014 [Zillmer/Toptsidou, Potential and Limits of the EGTC Instrument..., 2014] |
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