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Dies ist eine alte Version von SanjuanGil2013 erstellt von MarcinKrzymuski am 2016-03-11 09:05:17.


Sanjuán/Gil, One hospital for the border region..., 2013

Spis treści:
The border region and health care context
Health care system and patient flows
Evolution of the new hospital: a chronological perspective
Background: 1980s to 2002
First steps: 2002–2003
Creating agreement: 2004–2010
Current status of Cerdanya Hospital
Needs and incentives
Future outlook: problems and solutions
Patients and health professionals
Medical protocols
Services and protocols
Primary care
Clinical records
Administration and management

Verfasser: José Miguel Sanjuán, Joan Gil
Titel: One hospital for the border region: building the new Cerdanya Hospital (Spain–France)
in: GlinosWismar2013
Erscheinungsjahr: 2013
Seiten: 155-179
Zugang: Volltext

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